
Fucking people

I’m fucking baffled by the reaction of some people. You mind your own business, watching TV with your aunt when someone knocks at the window, it’s a migrant, it’s super cold outside, he says that he’s hungry, at first you’re scared but then you realise those guys must be even more scared than you. You’re …

What do ?

Got my Pole emploi appointment a couple weeks ago. Nothing really changed. I am still listed as searching a job as a secretary/assistant. I tried to talk to my counselor about my different wishes: going into translation, maybe going back to school to finish/get my degree. Or be an English teacher, but not at a …


Ah tiens c’est vrai j’ai un blog…. Qui ne sert à rien et que personne ne lit de toute manière. Bonne occasion de déverser mon vomi mental. J’ai passé le toeic et j’ai eu 990 sur 990. How fucking wonderful that I got a certification for my own personal pleasure that will never be of …