Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

No, the title isn’t foreshadowing some gruesome destiny for me, don’t worry. I just liked the sound of it for a new title !

So much to say, so little time. I keep getting sidetracked by a myriad of other things to do, like writing a cover letter for a potential job, running left and right to assist family, learning to sew and actually sewing, which takes quite some time.
No I’m still not dead, even if the thought of it still has some charm to me, but much much less than months before.
I finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s really dim, but it’s there. I must try my hardest to reach it though, which is what I am currently doing.
I was writing my cover letter and just thought “Oh I haven’t updated my blog in so fucking long, let’s do this !”
Good old me, never satisfied with doing only one task !

Last month I applied to be an anglophone speaker to teach English to kids during the afternoon activities at school. So it’s not a real teaching job, it’s a funnier and less strict thing. Got an interview an everything went well, they told me they’d reach out to me when they need me but I still haven’t heard from them.
And today I gave my application to the town’s education departments to assist during the NAP activities in the schools, I’ll hear from them if they need me, so, que sera sera !
It’s completely different from what I imagined I wanted to do, but I’m tired of not finding my calling and not earning my bread. And even though the pay will be quite small, I will deserve what I will earn, and it will not be given to me just because.

There, that’s all I had to say today, not that much in the end.
I wish I had the desire to write more regularly but I get sidetracked so easily and I forget so easily. Plus it’s not as if I had a super interesting life these past months, so yeah.



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